Thursday, 15 May 2008

First LHCOPN backup use at PIC

This is the first time PIC is online while fiber rerouting works are being carried out.

This night we've had a pair of network scheduled downtimes. The first one (red in the image) affected the PIC-RREN connection, this means a single 10Gbps fiber connection from PIC to Barcelona therefore, as scheduled, we had no connectivity from 21:35 to 23:20.

The second scheduled downtime was due to rerouting tasks at the French part of the PIC-CERN LHCOPN fiber. This used to be a critical task for us since we were isolated from the LHCOPN while tasks were taking place but it's not like this anymore. Now our NREN routes us through GÉANT independently on where data is going so we keep connected! As you can see in the image orange coloured areas, while reaching the OPN through our NREN (Anella+RedIRIS) we're limited to 2Gbps (our RREN uplink) but still reaching it so finally we can say we have a [not dedicated] backup link.

Waiting for the LHCOPN dedicated backup link won't be so hard now.

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